WaDOE MTCA Site Cleanup Projects

Updated through November 5, 2019

At our March 4, 2019, meeting the WaDOE’s Tim O’Connor and Alan Noell presented an update on the Reserve Silica Mine Site MTCA Cleanup project — view their slides here (pdf – 2 MB): PowerPoint_Reserve Silica_GMVUAC_03042019.  In addition, WaDOE’s Jerome Cruz and Brad Petrovich will presented an update on the Landsburg Mine Site MTCA Cleanup project — view their slides here (pptx – 19 MB): PowerPoint FilesLandsburg_Mine_GMVUAC_03042019finalSee our Current Issues Box for links to more detailed information.

The GMVUAC has declined the WaDOE’s offer of a Public Participation Grant (PPG).  Even sans the PPG, your Council will continue its coordination and cooperation with the WaDOE to provide it with detailed review and comments regarding and relating to these two very important cleanup projects, and to provide the public a platform for your education and valued participation.

The Washington Department of Ecology has published its Draft Agreed Order, Public Participation Plan, and Public Comment Period Fact Sheet; please read them here and fully participate in any way you are able in this very important MTCA Cleanup Project:  WaDOE Reserve Silica Draft Agreed Order     WaDOE Public Participation Plan     WaDOE Comment Period Fact Sheet .  The GMVUAC submitted comments on December 7, 2018, regarding the Department’s draft Agreed Order and Public Participation Plan relating to the Reserve Silica Mine Site MTCA Cleanup project; read the Council’s comment letter here: Comment Ltr–RS Agreed Order .

The GMVUAC will have Department staff attend future Council meetings to present and discuss the status of the various MTCA cleanup projects in our service area; including the Reserve Silica and Landsburg Mine Sites.  For more detailed information on these projects, and much more, please visit our Current Issues Box and/or the Environment Committee webpage.