2017 Citizen Survey

Oct 15, 2017


The Greater Maple Valley Unincorporated Area Council (GMVUAC) will be conducting its online Biennial Rural Area Citizens’ Survey and Election November 20 thru- December 15. The survey will address issues that affect you, your family, and your neighborhood, including planning, zoning, development, traffic, economics, water, and sewage. As part of the survey, you may also express your interest in becoming either a member of the GMVUAC or a non-member participant on any of its various Committees.
We invite each of you to go to: www.greatermaplevalleyareacouncil.org and click on the Survey button. Your input is needed and valuable and, as always, will be kept confidential.
A limited number of paper copies will be available at the Hobart and Ravensdale food markets beginning November 20 for those who may not wish to do the Survey online.
Please attend any of our monthly meetings on the first Monday of the month (2nd Monday, if Holiday) from 7 – 9 PM, at the Maple Valley Fire Station (SE corner of the SE 231st St & SR-169 intersection across from the Police Precinct). Also, please read about us in the Voice of the Valley.
The GMVUAC thanks you for your interest and welcomes your participation in helping us better serve you and our community.