Emergent Traffic Corridors

Updated May 23, 2021

Established:  January 2021

Mission:  Investigate the region’s Emergent Traffic Corridors (ETCs) and offer potential solutions by working with government agencies and community organizations to ensure the Rural Area Stays Rural.

Description:  ETCs are traffic patterns formed through neighborhoods or backroads (many of them through the unincorporated areas) to circumvent major thoroughfares, such as SR169.   While conducting various transportation studies, it has become apparent that to avoid traffic congestion, people are forging new trails wherever possible to improve commute times.  These trails begin at least as far south as Bonnie Lake and continue up to 1-90 or I-405, where a majority of people need to drive in order to get to their jobs or destinations.  A recent study by JTI Co-chair, Mike Birdsall, shows that during the last decade, the percentage increase of traffic along ETCs is actually greater than on some major highways.  After the ETCs are mapped, a traffic analysis will be conducted on those of greater priority.  In an ongoing basis, the JTI will highlight the intersections and trouble spots most impacted by increased traffic in the unincorporated area.

Documents: TBD

External Links: (see also King County and Links webpages):  TBD

King County (KC):
KC Department of Transportation (KCDOT)
KCDOT Transportation Needs Report (TNR)
KC Comprehensive Plan (KCCP)
KC Code
Countywide Planning Policies

Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Regional Transportation Plan

State (WA):
WA Department of Transportation (WSDOT): Department of Transportation (WSDOT)
Growth Management Act (GMA): Transportation Concurrency Goals