Hot Off The Presses

Updated Through October 13, 2020

October 12, 2020 — The GMVUAC submitted its formal Rebuttal to Lakeside Industries’ August 27, 2020, Responses to both Public and King County Comments on its proposed move of its Asphalt Facility from the City of Covington, inside the Urban Growth Area, to a site along the Cedar River, in the Rural Area (see Current Issues box on Home page).

September 6, 2020 — The KC Department of Natural Resources & Parks (DNRP) Solid Waste Division (SWD) released its draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Cedar Hills Regional Landfill Site Development Plan (see:  Alternatives are being considered to increase the length of time the landfill would accept garbage beyond 2028, which is when the landfill currently is estimated to reach capacity: Three Action Alternatives, that would extend the life of the landfill to approximately 2037, 2038, or 2046, as well as a No Action Alternative (2028). Public Comments are due to KC on October 30.

August 27, 2020 — Lakeside Industries submitted to KC Dept. of Local Services (DLS) its responses to the additional information requested by KC DLS and filed many new documents in support of its revised application for its proposed new Asphalt Facility (see Current Issues box on Home page).  All new and former documents associated with Lakeside’s application may be found and read here: Asphalt Facility Documents.

July 24, 2020 — KC Council finalized and approved the 2020 King County Comprehensive Plan (KCCP) 4-Yr Mid-Point Update (see Current Issues box on Home page, as well as KC Comprehensive Plan under the Planning drop-down menu).

June 9,  July 7, & July 21, 2020 — KC Council held Public Hearings on the 2020 King County Comprehensive Plan (KCCP) 4-Yr Mid-Point Update.

May 26, 2020 — The WA State Growth Management Hearings Board (GMHB) invalidated the King County Adult Beverage Ordinance. See: GMHB Order.

March 18, 2020 — PSRC releases VISION 2050 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS). See: VISION 2050 Final SEIS.

February 24, 2020 — KC announces new resources for farming businesses. See: Resources for Farming Businesses.

January 3, 2020 — The KC Executive released his draft 2020 Docket Submittals Report. It contains eight (8) changes proposed by the Public to the KC Comprehensive Plan’s (KCCP’s) policies, area-wide land-use designations, development regulations/code, or site-specific land-use and zoning. Two of the proposed changhes were submityted by the Area Council: (1) Site-Specific rezones and (2) KC Council Response to KCCP Public Comments.

December 2, 2019 — Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA) attended the GMVUAC’s monthly meeting and distributed this information brochure: Puget Sound Clean Air Agency.  PSCAA encourages every person to file with it a complaint regarding each episode of odors and/or air pollution coming from any area source (e.g., Cedar Hills Landfill).  Complaints are the principal means for the Agency initiating investigations and ensuring compliance with State and federal Clean Air Act requirements.

November 21, 2019 — UACs and CAs submitted their comment letter to KCC re proposed Adult Beverage Ordinance (breweries/wineries/distilleries). Read the letter here: Joint KC RA UAC-UAA COMMENTS–Proposed Adult Beverage Ordinance. Visit this matter in the Current Issues Box for more detailed information.

November 18, 2019 — KC DLS sent its permit application and SEPA Checklist comment letter to Lakeside Industries for additional information and response by March 18, 2020. Read the DLS comments here: COMM18-0014-SHOR18-0032-Request-For-Additional-Information.

November 12, 2019 — Comment letter sent by KC Executive Constantine to the federal OSMRE: KC Exec – JHM – Permit Revision Comment Letter.  Appears that this matter is possibly not yet settled.

October 19-20, 2019 — GMVUAC’s 22nd Annual Model Train Show was held at the Gracie Hansen Community Center in Ravensdale, drew over 780 family members and friends — THANK YOU!  Many thanks to each of the exhibitors and all participants and volunteers who made this Show so successful.  See you next year!

** King County is updating its Strategic Climate Action Plan (SCAP) in 2020 to outline the County’s actions on climate change for the next five years. The 2020 SCAP Update will focus on reducing regional greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions, preparing for climate change impacts, and supporting resilience in communities disproportionately impacted by climate change. The County will be updating, revising, and adding to the SCAP to ensure County work continues to achieve regional GHG-emission-reduction goals; identify new opportunities to take action on climate solutions; and create social, economic, and environmental benefits for King County communities.

Throughout 2019 and 2020 King County staff will engage partners and communities to learn about their interests and priorities for County climate action. An updated SCAP will be developed and transmitted by the King County Executive to the King County Council by June 30, 2020.

The SCAP Update will include: (1) Identification of specific goals, strategies, measures, targets and priority actions for county services and operations to reduce emissions consistent with the countywide goals of reducing GHG emissions; (2) Assessment of current climate change impacts in King County; (3) Performance measures and related targets for both operational emissions and implementation of priority strategies; and (4) Assessment of cost effectiveness for key county services and operations.

King County and all its 39 cities have signed a Letter of Intent calling for an 80% reduction in emissions by 2050.

The 2015 SCAP has five Goal Areas: Transportation and Land Use; Buildings and Facilities Energy; Green Building; Consumption and Materials Management; and Forests and Agriculture and a set of Strategies, Measures, Targets under the five Goal Areas.

September 30, 2019 — KC Executive transmitted his proposed KCCP Mid-Point Update to the KC Council. The GMVUAC, along with four other Rural Area UACs/UAAs reviewed the Public Review Draft of the Update this past summer and submitted detailed comments on July 31, 2019.

Here is the “Public Comment and Response Report”: On pp. 94-113 please find the Joint King County Rural Area Unincorporated Area Council (UAC)/Unincorporated Area Association (UAA) Comments (LH-side of the page) and the King County Executive’s response and actions taken, thereupon (RH-side of the page).

Here are the King County Executive’s line-by-line recommended changes to this summer’s Public Review Draft.

Here is the KCCP Mid-Point Update master web page, which contains every chapter, section, attachment, etc.

The King County Council’s Mobility and Environment Committee now has the King County Executive’s proposed KCCP Mid-Point Update. The full King County Council has until June 30, 2020, to adopt a final KCCP Mid-Point Update. Currently, the Rural Area UACs/UAAs are reviewing the above materials and will prepare/submit joint comments to the King County Council’s Mobility and Environment Committee.

September 16, 2019 — Area Council led a team of King County Rural Area Unincorporated Area Councils (UACs) and Associations (UAAs)—Enumclaw Plateau Community Association (EPCA), Green Valley/Lake Holm Association (GV/LHA), Hollywood Hill Association (HHA), and Upper Bear Creek Unincorporated Area Council (UBCUAC)—in conducting an in-depth review of the PSRC’s draft VISION 2050 Draft Plan. Detailed Public Comments were prepared on the PSRC’s VISION 2050 Draft Plan and were submitted–see “PSRC VISION 2050” in the Current Issues box.

August 14, 2019 — The Cramer/Maple Valley Industries, LLC, property west of Maple Valley and north of SR 18 (zoned “I” – Industrial) was sold to Dealers Choice, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company (created as a “Holding Company”).  This site is being developed under KC Phase I Construction Permit # COMM15-0012  .  Once the site for a possible MJ Processing facility, it may not be such a future use and now depends on the new ownership and its business plans.  The public records regarding the sale of this property and the corporate records for the new owner may be viewed here: Property Sale Docs – Info re Dealers Choice LLC.

 More Information On GMVUAC Committee Webpages and Current Issues Box

Detailed information regarding the above and much more, including reports and applications, may be found on our Committee webpages (generally our Growth Management, Environment, and Transportation Committees) and linked from our Current Issues Box.


** GMVUAC’s 22nd Annual Model Train Show, held October 19-20 at the Gracie Hansen Community Center in Ravensdale, drew over 780 family and friends — THANK YOU!  Many thanks to each of the exhibitors and all participants who made this Show so successful.  See you next year!
** GMVUAC’s 22nd Annual Model Train Show, held October 19-20 at the Gracie Hansen Community Center in Ravensdale, drew over 780 family members and friends — THANK YOU!  Many thanks to each of the exhibitors and all participants who made this Show so successful.  See you next year!
** GMVUAC’s 22nd Annual Model Train Show, held October 19-20 at the Gracie Hansen Community Center in Ravensdale, drew over 780 family members and friends — THANK YOU!  Many thanks to each of the exhibitors and all participants and volunteers who made this Show so successful.  See you next year!