May 2018 Meeting
The Area Council will hold its next regular monthly meeting on Monday, May 7, from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM at the KCFD #43 Maple Valley Fire & Life Safety Station public conference room (22225 SE 231st Street, Maple Valley, WA 98038 — SE corner of intersection of SE 231st St & SR-169 (Renton-Maple Valley-Black Diamond Road SE)).
Guest speakers include (1) Larry Baumgart with the Maple Valley Farmer’s Market to present to, and discuss with, the inclusion of the GMVUAC as a stakeholder/member of the MVFM’s Board; and (2) Department of Ecology’s Madeline Wall and Amy White to discuss the Reserve Silica Site cleanup program, the status of the Agreed Order, explain the community outreach/public participation activities typically involved in MTCA cleanup sites, and solicit input on the best ways to communicate information to GMVUAC and other community members.
The GMVUAC will hear from citizens in attendance and conduct business regarding and relating to current and future issues of concern to area residents. Keep watch on this space for any special guest speakers and/or new issues to be presented and discussed at this meeting. All members of the public are invited to attend. During the Public Comment period at the start of each meeting, members of the public can address the Area Council on any local issue.