Emergent Traffic Corridors

The Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs) provide a countywide vision and serve as the guiding principles and policies for all Comprehensive Planning in King County (County, City, and Special-Purpose District), as well as County and City Zoning Codes. On March 10, 2021, members of Rural Area UACs and UAAs submitted joint detailed comments on a matrix showing existing CPP policies with proposed changes and rationale for same (e.g., Policy Matrix) released by the KECO. Subsequently a Principle/Policy Mapping Table was submitted to provide correlation between a set of Rural Area principles and policy comments. On March 24 King County Executive Staff held a virtual meeting with the Rural Area joint team to discuss and understand all its submitted comments. On April 6, 2021, the Public Review Draft (PRD) was released with a 30-day comment period to May 5, 2021. The Area Council again led a team of Rural Area UACs and UAAs in a complete review and preparation of detailed comments. On May 4 a final set of detailed comments were submitted to King County. For all Comment submittals by the Joint Rural Area UAC/UAA Team, please see the Letters page under the Correspondence drop-down menu.

Hirst Legislative Fix

Updated Through May 7, 2019 HIRST DECISION AND LEGISLATIVE FIX Use the following link to access the Department of Ecology’s main WRE Committees website: WaDOE Streamflow Restoration Planning Website .  Use the following link to access the WaDOE’s WRE...

Hot Off The Presses

** October 30, 2020 -- The GMVUAC submitted its formal set of Comments on the Draft EIS for the Cedar Hills Regional Landfill Site development Plan. (see Current Issues box on Home page). ** October 12, 2020 -- The GMVUAC submitted its formal Rebuttal to Lakeside Industries' August 27, 2020, Responses to both Public and King County Comments on its proposed move of its Asphalt Facility from the City of Covington, inside the Urban Growth Area, to a site along the Cedar River, in the Rural Area (see Current Issues box on Home page). ** September 16, 2020 -- the Department of Natural Resources & Parks (DNRP) Solid Waste Division (SWD) released its draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Cedar Hills Regional Landfill Site Development Plan (see: https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/dnrp/solid-waste/facilities/landfills/cedar-hills-development.aspx#project_documents). Alternatives are being considered to increase the length of time the landfill would accept garbage beyond 2028, which is when the landfill currently is estimated to reach capacity: Three Action Alternatives, that would extend the life of the landfill to approximately 2037, 2038, or 2046, as well as a No Action Alternative (2028). ** August 27, 2020 -- Lakeside Industries submitted to KC Dept. of Local Services (DLS) its responses to the additional information requested by KC DLS and filed many new documents in support of its revised application for its proposed new Asphalt Facility (see Current Issues box on Home page). ** July 24, 2020 -- KC Council finalized and approved the 2020 King County Comprehensive Plan (KCCP) 4-Yr Mid-Point Update (see Current Issues box on Home page, as well as KC Comprehensive Plan under the Planning drop-down menu). ** June 9, July 7, & July 21, 2020 -- KC Council held Public Hearings on the 2020 King County Comprehensive Plan (KCCP) 4-Yr Mid-Point Update. ** May 26, 2020 -- The WA State Growth Management Hearings Board (GMHB) invalidated the King County Adult Beverage Ordinance. See: GMHB Order.