Upcoming Important Events

Updated Through November 17, 2020

Cedar Hills Landfill EIS Process Underway

King County released the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Cedar Hills Landfill Site Development Plan in September 2020.  In early 2021 a Final EIS (FEIS) is expected to be issued for public review and comment. For more information, please see our “Current Issues” box on the Home page.

King County Fireworks Rules

Thanks to KCC Member Dunn for this handy postcard outlining the Fourth of July Fireworks Rules for the unincorporated area: Fireworks Rules – Unincorporated King County.

WaDOE Announces Waste Reduction and Recycling Education Grants Program

The Department of Ecology (Ecology) is pleased to announce the opening of the application period of the Waste Reduction and Recycling Education (WRRED) Grants Program for the 2019-21 biennium:  WRRED Program Website    WRRED Program Guidelines.  This competitive grant program provides up to $60,000 dollars to qualified local governments and nonprofit organizations for local or statewide education programs designed to help the public with waste reduction, recycling, composting, and litter control.  The program requires a 25% match of the total eligible costs either in cash or contributed services.  The grant projects will focus primarily on the products taxed under Chapter 82.19 RCW, Waste Reduction, Recycling, and Litter Control Account. Projects may include but are not limited to the following: • Develop and/or implement a contamination reduction and outreach plan (CROP). • Environmental workshops and classroom activities. • Community-wide outreach/information campaigns. • Information hotlines and special materials collection events. • Special events (i.e. county fairs, Earth Day, etc.).  Ecology is providing funding from September 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021.

King County Solid Waste Division Recruiting Member(s) For Its SWAC

The King County Solid Waste Division is inviting residents in the vicinity of the Cedar Hills Landfill to submit an application to be considered for membership on the County’s Solid Waste Advisory Committee.  More information and links are provided here:  KC SWAC Invitation.

BPA Announces Vegetation Management Plan For MVTL#1

The Sammamish-Maple Valley and Monroe-Novelty Hill transmission lines were returned to BPA (Bonneville Power Administration) in August 2018 after the end of a 50-year lease. The two transmission lines are undergoing improvements through reintegration projects to bring them in line with BPA’s safety, reliability and cost management standards.  As part of its 2018-2023 Strategic Plan, BPA is employing industry best practices to continue to meet customer needs efficiently and responsively by providing safe and reliable transmission.  The reintegration projects include: (a) Transmission tower hardware replacements; (b) Right-of-way (ROW) safety and reliability inspections; and (c) Danger tree trimming/clearing for ROW vegetation management. For more information, please visit the BPA website at: BPA Transmission Line Reintegration.  A map of the BPA Transmission Line Vegetation Management area may be viewed here (1 MB pdf): 201902-Project-Overview-Veg-Mgmt-BPA-Work-Area.

2019 KCSO Community Police Academy

The King County Sheriff’s Office is now accepting applications for its 2019  Community Police Academy.  Space is limited, so it’s first-come-first-served.  Information and application materials may be viewed and downloaded here:  KCSO-CPAapp2019 rev.form     KCSO-2019CPAFLYER     KCSO-2019 PoliceAcademyPressRelease

Wine and Beverage Industry – Proposed Zoning Code Changes

The King County Council is considering major amendments to the Zoning Code regarding the continued operation of small wineries and breweries in the rural area.  The detailed legislative history for File No. 2018-0241 may be accessed here: File No. 2018-0241 Legislative Details .  Concerned public should read the existing Zoning Code, the proposed legislation, and the recent KC Hearing Examiner’s decision in the Four Horsemen Brewery code enforcement appeal issued October 3, 2018, that addresses compliance of rural area breweries and tasting rooms with the existing Zoning Code provisions relating to Home Occupations.  This matter is now in the KCC’s Committee of the Whole for further consideration and work.  For detailed information on what your GMVUAC and other Area Councils are doing regarding this matter, please refer to the Adult Beverage Ordinance link in the Current Issues Box.

Erickson Logging/Fred Wagner Ravensdale Reclamation Trench Filling Project

Information is available re the Erickson Logging/Fred Wagner — Ravensdale Reclamation trench filling grading permit GRDE18-0114.  Please visit our King County Links webpage or go directly to the King County Public Notices website to obtain relevant information regarding this project and many more:  KC Public Notices re New Applications .  Grading permit application is separately online at:  Ravensdale Reclamation – Special Interest Project .  This material is also available from our GMVUAC website –> King County Links –> KC DPER Projects of Special Interest –> click on Ravensdale Reclamation project in the NOTES column on right side.  Michael and Donna Brathovde prepared detailed comments of the Grading Permit Application and SEPA Checklist for this proposal and submitted them to KC DPER; with the express written permission of the Brathovdes given to GMVUAC on October 19, 2018, their comment letters may be read here: GRDE18-0114 Brathovde Comments   Brathovde SEPA Comments .  The GMVUAC submitted a letter to KC DPER supporting the Brathovdes’ comments which may be read here: Erickson Comment Ltr – GMVUAC  .

WSU Ruckelshaus Center Washington’s Future Program

The WSU Ruckelshaus Center on June 30, 2019, published its 4-Volume Final Report, all in pdf format:

This Report articulates a vision of Washington’s desired future and identifies additions, revisions, or clarifications to the state’s growth management framework of laws, institutions, and policies needed to reach that future.  The Center will now hold a series of open houses around the State to address and answer questions on its Final Report, including one on July 17th from 1 pm – 5 pm at the WSU Energy Office in Olympia WA, 905 Plum Street # 3 (please visit their website and RSVP as space is limited); and two planned in September — one at the University of Washington, Seattle and one at Washington State University in Spokane.  Visit their website for more information on these open houses.

In 2015, Washington State legislators asked the William D. Ruckelshaus Center (Center), to design a process for a comprehensive and collaborative look at the Growth Management Act (GMA). To gauge support for this effort and identify an appropriate scope, the Center conducted a Pre-Assessment from October 2016 through June 2017. The Pre-Assessment consisted of a series of conversations with individuals from dozens of groups, organizations, tribal, state, and local governments. Based on input from the parties, the Center recommended a process to: (1) articulate a vision of a desired future for Washington, and (2) examine the planning framework that provides the path to reach that desired future. The growth planning framework in Washington includes the Growth Management Act, the Shoreline Management Act, the State Environmental Policy Act and other laws, institutions and policies. The Legislature responded to the pre-assessment by allocating funds to the Center for a two year project to create a “Road Map to Washington’s Future.” The budget proviso outlined a scope, schedule, and general process for the project. The purpose of the project is to articulate a vision of Washington’s desired future and identify additions, revisions, or clarifications to the state’s growth management framework of laws, institutions, and policies needed to reach that future.  An overview of this program (as a MS .doc file) with resource links may be accessed here: Ruckelshaus Center Workshops-Road Map to Washington’s Future .  The program website may be directly accessed via this link: A Road Map to Washington’s Future – Ruckelshaus Center .

KC Comprehensive Plan Update Process

King County Council is amending its Comprehensive Plan Ordinance and moving to an 8-year major update cycle.  Committee proposed changes to the Executive-proposed Ordinance are under consideration and will be introduced and acted on by the full King County Council in September and October.  The proposed Ordinance is File No. 2018-0153 and a comparison of the Executive’s proposal and the Committee’s striker may be viewed here: Proposed Ordinance 2018_0153_with Striker Comparison .  More information on this legislative process is presented on our Home Page News section under the title “Comprehensive and GMVCR CSA Plan Updates” and also in the menu item titled “KC Comprehensive Plan”.  The County is planning on conducting six (6) Public Open Houses in early July 2019 to present and discuss its draft KCCP mid-point update.

KC DNRP Backcountry Trails Program

On June 14, 2018, the KC DNRP issued the following public notice regarding to its issuance of certain documents relating to its Programmatic Permit for Backcountry Trail Non-project Action:  “King County issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Programmatic Permit for Backcountry Trail Non-project Action. View these documents here:  SEPA DNSSEPA ChecklistFinal Draft of Programmatic (Grading) Permit .” Contact: Kelly Heintz, Natural Resources Land Planner; King County Parks and Recreation Division; 201 South Jackson Street, Room 700; Seattle, WA 98104; 206-477-7372 (SEPA); KCParks.SEPA@kingcounty.gov .  Read more on our Environment Committee webpage.

KC DNRP Black Diamond Area Stewardship Plan

King County Parks has issued the Draft Black Diamond Area Stewardship Plan for public review and comment. To read more about this program and to review the plan, please visit this website: Draft Black Diamond Area Stewardship Plan .  The GMVUAC previously submitted comments on its review of the proposed plan scope on February 14, 2017 — read our letter here: BD Stewardship Plan – GMVUAC Comments .  Our formal comment letter on the Draft Plan may be read here: DRAFT BDS Plan – GMVUAC Comments .  Read more on our Environment Committee webpage.

New King County Department of Local Services

Information regarding the creation of a new Department of Local Services may be read and accessed in the NEWS portion of our home webpage (in the “New KC Department of Local Services” section), and all residents are encouraged to review the information and links that more fully describe this new department.  John Taylor, DLS Director, was the GMVUAC’s guest speaker at its April 1, 2019, meeting.

More Information On GMVUAC Committee Webpages and Current Issues Box

Detailed information regarding the above and much more, including reports and applications, may be found on our Committee webpages (generally our Growth Management, Environment, and Transportation Committees) and linked from our Current Issues Box.