Unincorporated Area Road Levy Lid Lift

King County Roads Division has proposed an Unincorporated Road Levy Lid Lift , since funding is not keeping pace, resulting in forecasted reduction in service levels and growing unmet-need Revenues. The existing Roads Levy can only increase at 1% per year (plus new construction). Gas tax proceeds are flat and expected to decline in the long term. Needed expenditures are many due to aging infrastructure; increasing operating and capital costs; and inflation. The 6-year levy lid lift as a short-term funding option that, if approved by the King County Council would go to unincorporated area voters this November.
John Henry Coal Mine

New KC Department of Local Services

** KC DLS is establishing an Advisory Committee to gather feedback about projects, priorities, and King County service levels. The committee is composed of community leaders from all nine unincorporated areas of King County and will provide an opportunity for community voices to be heard in DLS decisions and direction. The GMVUAC will have several members on the committee. The first meeting was held on February 11, 2020. ** KC DLS has published the 2019 Work Plans for the GMV-CR CSA. ** Partnership agreements signed between the DLS and four other County agencies/programs. ** View the slide show presented by DLS Director John Taylor at GMVUAC's April 1, 2019, meeting. ** Danielle de Clercq appointed Deputy Director of the DLS. ** Mark Rowe named new Deputy Director for the Permitting Division. Read More for further information and links.
John Henry Coal Mine

Marijuana Processing and Growing

** Cramer/MV Ind property West of Maple Valley and North of SR 18 sold to Dealers Choice, LLC, on or about August 14, 2019. ** March 13, 2018 - Washington Court of Appeals, Division 2, issues decision in Emerald Enterprises v Clark County affirming County's authority to enact zoning ordinance banning retail sale of marijuana in unincorporated areas (read more to see Published Opinion).
John Henry Coal Mine

King County Budget Information

** King County Assessor has a Tax Transparency Tool for taxpayers to figure the financial impact of ballot measures. ** King County Budgets, current and future, are presented with additional information relevant to the unincorporated rural area. ** The GMVUAC customarily invites the Director of the KC Office of Management and Budget to a Council Meeting to discuss the KC Budget and its impact on rural area services.
John Henry Coal Mine

Comprehensive and GMVCR CSA Plan Updates

Updated July 2, 2019 KING COUNTY PROPOSES MAJOR CHANGES TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN King County has published its Public Review draft amendments to the Comprehensive Plan:  2020 KCCP Public Review Draft Website.  These amendments propose to make substantial and significant...