Ad Hoc Economic Committee
Updated Through February 4, 2020
Established: April 2015 [INACTIVE]
Chair: Hendrick Haynes
Vice-Chair: Steve Hiester
Members: Luke Hansen
Reviews County Rural Economic Strategies and economic growth policies; evaluates potential Rural economic opportunities; and develops economic viability plans.
The GMVUAC Ad Hoc Economic Committee represents an active role in the facilitation and encouragement of rural compatible economic opportunities in our Community Service Area. The Economic Committee actively participates in the meetings and efforts undertaken by the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) to develop plans and policies local government entities may implement to foster economic development within their respective jurisdictions. The Economic Committee is also seeking ways and means of interacting with King County in its development of, and possible changes to, County-wide planning goals, zoning regulations, and code enforcement policies in order to recognize and, where possible and practicable, reduce impediments to the location and operation of local rural businesses. The Economic Committee works in conjunction and collaboration with the other GMVUAC Committees to accomplish its particular goals.
On November 28, 2017, the Economic Committee, in association with the other Unincorporated Community Area Councils, held a first-ever forum entitled “Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) – King County Rural Economic Opportunities Meeting” in Issaquah (at the main King County Library Service Center on Newport Way) featuring Josh Brown, Executive Director of PSRC, and King County representatives, including King County Council Member Kathy Lambert and Fred Jarrett, King County Senior Deputy Executive (directing the ongoing King County Local Services Initiative). This forum was very positive and is intended to provide the first step in a continuing relationship with the PSRC and King County towards implementing the goals of our Economic Committee. PSRC-KC RA Meeting
Major Activities:
The Committee led the following Area Council efforts: Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) 2017 Regional Economic Strategies (RES). PSRC RES Detailed Comments
Support Activities:
The Committee supported the following Area Council efforts; King County Comprehensive Plan Updates; Rural Economic Strategies Plan Update 2013.
For more information on any of the foregoing matters, please visit our GMVUAC Correspondence section for copies of GMVUAC Articles and Letters relating to this Committee.
Resource External Links:
USDA Rural Development:
Center for Rural Affairs:
American Planning Association:
Economic Development in Rural Areas:
Foundation for Rural Service:
Greater Maple Valley
The GMVUAC serves the residents of unincorporated King County living in the Tahoma School District No. 409 (outside the city limits of Maple Valley). Our Washington nonprofit corporation was established in 1977; we serve a population of 16,100 (2010 Census); and our service area is 116 sq mi. Below is a map of our Service Area and the four Community Areas:
GMVUAC Monthly Meeting Articles
* 2/3--CAO Update
* 1/6--KCCP Update
* 12/2--OSS Code Changes
* 11/4--Kickoff of Local Plan
* 10/7--Director of KC DLS
<8/5--No Article>
* 7/1--On-Site Septic Systems
* 6/3--Local Community Planning
* 5/6--Dept. of Local Services
* 4/1--Local Subarea Plan
* 3/4--Letter To KC Executive
* 2/5--Comments on KCCP Update
* 1/15--TSD 2024 Levies
For prior years see: Monthly Articles